i remember that resolution i shot upward. i'm still holding my part of it. i'm feeling really satisfied in that department. i just wish i could get something in return. wait. let me rephrase it. its not materialistic or whatever. i need HELP. and i could sure use it. big time.
and it sucks when you might not get your dream Win and a Win anytime soon. loll. am i destined never to have it? i bloody hope not. gahh. i just feel so misunderstood and unheard. reminds me of Alma. heck, i'm so looking forward to find out what happened to her.

man. i feel so mauled up. not like those dudes up there. its a cool picture anyway. loll.
and just for the record, i'm am not crazy about starfire. i'd rather have somebody real. lolll. but what are the odds of that? too minute i guess. all i can hope to do, is continue with my resolution. haha. and i need a notebook to write it down, among other things. whee.
*edit* maybe i whine too much. loll
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